Manager for Windows allows you to restrict access to key
features of Windows, such as Control Panels or Start menu,
network, Taskbar, desktop, system tray, Network Access Control
Page, Control Internet usage and more. It can also disable the
Ctrl+alt+delete keys, the function keys at startup, allows to
password protect Windows and restrict users to running specific
applications only, control Internet usage, view statistics of
computer use by your kids or employees and loads more. This
program can lock your computer and ask for a password when Windows
loads. Access Manager for Windows is just the thing for keeping
employees , students or children from coming in and fiddling
around with the computers. It has all the needed features to keep
people from viewing or changing what you do not want them too.
Every network administrator should get this nice security program!
Very easy to use and very good documentation. |
Internet Kiosk is intended for building Internet kiosks, public
access PCs, or in-store terminals. It lets you disable access to
files installed on your PC and prevent users from changing PC
settings while gives full access to all necessary applications you
specify including IE. As a result, many people may have free access
to a workstation you create, but none of them can damage (whether
accidentally or intentionally) vital system files or stuff hard disk
with garbage. |
fast Professional SMTP/POP3 server program. Can be used as a
corporate or personal server. Use with any SMTP compliant mail
client. Accept mail on behalf of your users. Simple, powerful and
bullet-proof. Lots of security features to protect the server from
DDoS attacks and block SPAM. Multiple SMTP gateways in case you
cannot deliver your email directly to the destination. Use
parameterized mailing to send customized messages to many recipients |
access to Outlook Express and prevent your Outlook Express's data
from stealing or spoiling. It lets you lock Outlook Express and
password-protect the message base files and the address book. |
is a powerful easy-to-use SMTP/POP3 mail server program designed for
satisfying the requirements of huge organization in high-volume
messaging. It is simple, light-weight and reliable; it has security
features to prevent DDoS attacks and block SPAM. It is also ideal
for laptop PC users who travel a lot and have to use different ISP
on the run. |
your Outlook Express and restore it including identities, message
rules, email accounts, preferences, blocked sender lists,
signatures, Windows Address Book, Favorites and My Documents.
Transfer your data between different computers when you upgrade
hardware. |
SMTP Server is a system-tray local SMTP server program for Windows
that lets you send email messages directly from your computer to
recipient mailboxes. The program insures your email security and
privacy and along with a subscription-based mass mailer can be used
as a relay server for sending requested newsletters, distributing
messages to different mailing lists, sending notifications to your
customers, as well as for sending personalized messages. |
you know that when you use Windows, open folders, search for files,
work with various software, surf the Internet, use online banking to access your accounts, and so on, information
about all your steps: all pictures you have seen, all passwords and
bank accounts you use is stored in various files and in the Windows
registry? |
is a very fast subscription-based mass mailer with a lot of useful
features. This bulk email program is used by many internet
professionals and on-line store owners, to notify their customers
about various events and send requested newsletters to promote new
products and services. The program lets you organize a subscription
on your web site, it's easy-to-use, and easy-to-configure. 1st Mass
Mailer allows you quickly import a list of your subscribers into its
internal database, do filter-based manipulations on the list, sort
and search for duplicate emails and enable or disable individual
subscribers.. Free
download |
and manage PC desktop, install the program on public access PCs to
stop users from changing desktop wallpaper and screen saver,
deleting, creating and renaming desktop icons and changing display
settings. Backup, restore and manage desktop layouts. |
Hard drive, CD, DVD, floppy and flash, and deny access to
partitions of your hard drives. Stop unauthorized software
installations and data leak by removable media. |

Hide Files & Folders security utility you can
use to protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from
viewing and searching. The program asks password upon accessing
any protected file and gives access right after entering a valid
More info
you know that when you send your email messages, they do not go
directly to the recipient mailboxes? Did you know that first of all,
your Internet Service Provider gets all your email messages, stores
them somewhere on its mail servers and then delivers the messages to
your recipients leaving copies of your messages in its database?...More
info |
File & Folder Protector protect files and folders situated on
local media of Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP with Easy File &
Folder Protector at Windows kernel level. Your can deny access to
certain files and folders, or to hide them securely from viewing
and searching.... More
info |
Email mailer is intended for sending email utilizing
subscription-based mailing lists. It's a useful tool for anyone who
needs to send requested newsletters or notifications to a large
number of subscribers. This program allows you create and manage
subscription-based mailing lists, and generate individual messages
while sending. You can create separate subscription-based mailling
lists, which contain information about your subscribers, messages,
and SMTP servers used for sending your email messages. |
File Protector is a very flexible password protected security
utility that restricts access to your files and folders by
user-defined time schedule. You choose users, define restricted
files/folders and time periods for them, and activate the program.
After that, your system disables/enables your files automatically
depending on current time and user. |
& Lock up is a system tray security utility you can use to
secure your desktop when you step away from your PC. It's secure
and very easy-to-use. Just define a password, and select Lock to
hide and deny access to your desktop to anyone without the proper
info |
SMTP Server is a SMTP server program for Windows that lets you send
email messages directly from your computer. It's very simple but
very useful for laptop users traveling around the world and
connecting their PCs to different Internet Service Providers in
different countries. Free SMTP Server works with all email programs
like Outlook Express, Eudora, and so on. |
Emails helps you organize subscription to email mailing lists on
Internet websites. It checks mailboxes and downloads only email
messages with subscribe and unsubscribe requests, gets email
addresses and sender names from them and creates text files with
subscribers wanting to subscribe or unsubscribe. |