How to disable ALT+TAB button?
You can disable ALT+TAB button with Advanced Internet Kiosk.
Advanced Internet Kiosk by Softstack can disable system and function keys and key combinations. Download the program, install it and run kiosk.exe. Click the "Disabled keys" button of the toolbar to your left. You'll see the list of the keys you can disable. Put a checkmark in a box near 'Disable... button'. You can disable all the system and function keys and key combinations on your PC. This option is, however, disabled in the Locked mode, as it needs the system to be fully rebooted to disable or enable keys. After you selected the keys to disable click Save button in the upper-left corner of the main window. The button will grey out if the changes are saved properly. download the Advanced Internet Kiosk
Advanced Internet Kiosk can Disable system and function keys and key combinations.
Disabling and Enabling Keys in
Advanced Internet Kiosk
System administrators do not want users to be able to push certain key
combinations as it can have serious consequences. While many key combinations do
not automatically cause something bad to occur it can give users access to
resources that can cause serious damage to your computer, for example,
Ctrl+Alt+Del or
WARNING: Please remember that keys are
disabled and enabled system wide for all users logged in to this PC. Keys can
only be disabled or enabled after a full reboot of the operating system. That is
why this option is disabled in the locked mode.
In order to keep users from accessing these key combinations you can disable
them within the Advanced Internet Kiosk Program. In the steps below you can
check the choices that you would like disabled and in the locked state these
keys will become inactive.
Tip: Please note that this
screen is only available in the unlocked state. In the locked state, this screen
will be disabled.
- Click on the Disabled Keys button on the left panel.
- On the right portion of the screen shown below there is a listing of all
the keys that you have the option to disable.
Click once on the box to the left of the key combination you want to disable
and a check mark will be placed in the box. (Note: The process to enable a
key is the same except you will want to click the box to remove the check

- When you have selected the buttons you want to disable you should save
your changes. Click once on the Save icon on the top left corner of the
When the settings have been saved properly you will notice the icon is
grayed out.
Advanced Internet Kiosk can disable system and function keys.