Advanced SMTP Server FAQ

Email messages sent to a group of email recipients

Question: Why when I send emails to multiple recipients the email addresses of all the recipients are not added to the email header so a recipient can not see all the other recipients listed in the To field of the original message?

Brief Answer: This is a normal behavior of the program because doing so the program protects recipient privacy and provides an extra security protecting recipients from viruses and SPAM

Answer: This is a normal behavior of the program. When you send an email message to a group of email recipients by regular way all of the recipients receive all email addresses listed in the To field of your original message. This is a major security threat for all recipients you send your message to because you never know whether some of your recipients have viruses on their PCs or not. You also never know if the person you send your message to is a spammer or not. You expose all the email addresses and endanger your recipients; after a while they will start to receive spam and viruses. Advanced SMTP Server resolves this problem by hiding the email list in the message header and listing only one email address of the person the message is addressed to. In this case, you expose only your email address while all of your recipients stay safe.

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Advanced SMTP Server is a system-tray local SMTP server program for Windows that lets you send email messages directly from your computer to recipient mailboxes. The program insures your email security and privacy and along with a subscription-based mass mailer can be used as a relay server for sending requested newsletters, distributing messages to different mailing lists, sending notifications to your customers, as well as for sending personalized messages.

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