Advanced SMTP Server FAQ

Requirements for Advanced SMTP Server

Question: Are there any specific requirements to be able to use Advanced SMTP Server?

Brief Answer: Port 25 is not blocked by your ISP, You must use a correct DNS server

Answer: There are no specific requirements to be able to use Advanced SMTP Server with an ISP. However due to some ISPs impose restrictions on using their services you can experience inability of using Advanced SMTP Server. First of all, your ISP must not block the port 25 and must provide you with a correct DNS server that contains all Internet names in its database and must allow MX record resolution. Give your ISP a call and ask them about limitations they apply to your account and if it is possible to run a local SMTP server on your PC using their connection. Please, note that if you do a mass mailing, you will possibly need to buy a domain and a fixed IP address that you will need to associate with the domain to pass through antispam filters some email providers run on their servers. Please, return to the FAQ index and read other articles around this problem to get detailed information.

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Advanced SMTP Server is a system-tray local SMTP server program for Windows that lets you send email messages directly from your computer to recipient mailboxes. The program insures your email security and privacy and along with a subscription-based mass mailer can be used as a relay server for sending requested newsletters, distributing messages to different mailing lists, sending notifications to your customers, as well as for sending personalized messages.

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