Bulk Email mailer FAQ

Adding recipients to Bulk Email mailer's database

Question: How can I add my recipients to Bulk Email mailer's database?

Brief Answer: Manually add recipients using the Add button in the recipient list or use the File - Import command from the main menu to import your recipients form any file or folder.

Answer: You can manually add recipients using the Add button in the recipient list or use the File - Import command from the main menu to import your recipients form any file or folder.

If you want to manually add your recipients, you should add a recipient group first. Select the Recipients node in the tree then select the group list panel (on the right) then add your groups by pressing the Insert button on your keyboard. After you add your first recipient group, you can add your recipients. Select the group in the tree, switch to the recipient list panel (on the right), then add your recipients by pressing the Insert button on your keyboard.

You can also import your recipients from a text file or from a folder with text files. For this purpose use the File - Import command from the main menu. Note, you can import only plain-text files. Microsoft Word or Excel documents must be saved as plain-text files before importing. Just follow the instructions of Import Wizard to import your files.

Read about importing email addresses from Microsoft Excel XLS files, importing email addresses from Outlook Express address book and importing email addresses from a database for details.

Back to Questions and Answers Related to Bulk Email mailer

Bulk Email mailer is intended for sending email utilizing subscription-based mailing lists. It's a useful tool for anyone who needs to send requested newsletters and notifications to a large number of subscribers. This program allows you create and manage subscription-based mailing lists, and generate individual messages while sending. You can create separate subscription-based mailling lists, which contain information about your subscribers, messages, and SMTP servers used for sending your email messages. This software is a handy tool for keeping feedback from your clients or users, and it's a good mailing list manager.

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