Bulk Email mailer FAQ
Typical problems with sending
Question: Why Bulk Email mailer
does not send email messages through my SMTP mail account?
Answer: You are using incorrect SMTP settings or your email provider limits
you in sending
Answer: There may be several types of problems due
to which you are unable to send email messages:
1. You put incorrect
SMTP information into the SMTP settings. Please, give your Internet Service
Provider (ISP) a call and ask them about SMTP settings you should use in an
email client. You need to ask them about the following:
- SMTP Host - IP address like or name like
mail.provider.com of the mail server. Please, note that you must know
exactly the IP address or the name of the host to be able to send email
messages. If you use just provider.com it may not work on some ISPs.
- SMTP Port - number of port you have to use to access the server. Usually
this number is 25 but can be different for some ISPs.
- User Name and Password - ask your ISP if you need to use a User Name
and Password to access the mail server. If you need to use it, ask them
where you can find your User Name and Password. In addition to
that, ask them if you need to use the domain name along with your the user ID as
User Name like myuser@myprovider.com. Your User Name may
look like myuser or myuser@mydomain.com. Please, note that without
a correct User Name and Password (if required by your ISP) you
will not be able to send email messages outside your ISP's network.
- From Address - address used by Bulk Email mailer as address where your recipients
will reply to. Some ISPs require you to use only certain From Address assigned
to you upon your account creation. Please, ask your ISP if they require it and
what exactly your From Address should be.
2. You are outside of
your ISP's network. Please, note that most of ISP's disallow sending email
messages through their SMTP servers for users located on other networks (not
connected to their networks via treir Internet connections). If you travel with
your PC and connect it to the Internet in different places via different ISPs,
your SMTP server you use at home possibly will not just work. In this case you
will need to use a local SMTP server along with Bulk Email mailer or use a SMTP
account that allows you to send email messages from different networks. Such
email accounts usually require User Name and Password.
Your SMTP server uses the POP3 before SMTP method of authentication. In
this case you must check your mailbox for new messages with your regular email
client right before you start sending email messages with Bulk Email mailer.
Your SMTP account has restrictions imposed by your ISP. Some ISPs limit
their users in sending email messages through their email accounts not providing
a full service as they should indeed. They may allow you to send not more than
100 messages per hour or per day, force you to use certain email clients such as
Microsoft Outlook or Eudora only and disallow all the other clients and mass
mailers. Some ISPs give you only web-based email accounts and disallow using
SMTP protocol to access their servers at all. In all cases of such restrictions
you will be able to send only limited quantity of email messages or will not be
able to send at all receiving different sending errors (different for different
ISPs). If your ISP limits you in sending you can just switch to a different ISP
that provides you with the full service with no restrictions. Another idea is to
buy a bulk email account on the internet that is not limited in sending. Before
you buy it, please make sure that you are buying a legitimate bulk email account
to avoid SPAM problems.
Please, give your ISP a call to find out the
real reason of the problem. Problems with sending are not connected with quality
of Bulk Email mailer, they are problems of your SMTP account or SMTP settings
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