User-Level Control.

 If you prefer to tap into user-level control, double-click the Network icon in the Control Panel, click the Access Control tab, and select the User-Level Access Control radio button. Enter the group that the network should pull authorized users from in the Obtain List Of Users And Groups From box, click OK, and then close all dialog boxes. Again, you’ll be prompted to restart your system to complete the switch from share-level to user-level control.

After the system reboots, right-click the resource to which you want to add user-level control and then choose Properties. In the Sharing tab, select the Shared As radio button. Click Add, and then indicate the users with which you want to share the folder. Now you’re ready to indicate the type of access (sometimes called permissions) that you’ll allow: Read-Only access allows the user to view but not modify the file. Full Access, just as its name implies, means that the user can read, delete, and modify files. Custom access gives the user whatever privileges you decide.

If you want to remove these sharing privileges from a drive, folder, file, or printer later, reverse the process: Locate and right-click the resource, then choose Properties. On the Sharing page, choose Not Shared, then click OK.

Access Manager - More info

     If the above options do not provide enough security for you, download Access manager for Windows.

Access manager provides much more security than standard ways in Windows.

More info

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